FUM News

African Support for Mission Work Grows

AMO Director John Muhanji writes about why African Friends churches have historically supported neither missionaries nor their own pastors—and how this practice is changing as more Africans hear a call to missions, and African Friends—individually and in churches—step up to support them.

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Ramallah Friends School’s White Gift Program Continues

The White Gifts Program, in which students raise money to help their neighbors and community members in need, is a long-standing tradition at Ramallah Friends School. Beginning in October and lasting through December, students and teachers host weekly bake sales to raise money.

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FUM Journal

Introduction to Advent Devotional 2016

During this time of Advent preparation for the birth of Jesus, I offer you a message of hope. This is a hope embodied in the spirit and will of all those who refuse to submit to the forces of oppression, violence and injustice, to the structures of domination, colonialism and foreign occupation. This is a hope embodied in truth-telling — in a Truth that is eternal.

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Today, I visited the home of a Palestinian family living on Mt. Gerizim, above the city of Nablus. Two other guests were sharing about efforts to heal the political divisions within the Palestinian community. If Palestinians are to have any hope of survival, let alone the capacity to resolve the bitter dispute with Israelis, they must find a way to come together as one.

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For more reflections, click here.

An Enduring Truth

Image of tea lights.

Throughout our history, the people known as Friends (or Quakers) keep rediscovering an essential and enduring truth: There is one who speaks to our most basic needs and most significant hopes—Christ Jesus the Lord. Both individually and communally, we are learning to know and follow the Voice that guides us in the way we should go. Together, we seek to understand and obey that truth which sets us free. As a people, we share in the experience of that powerful life which makes all things new. Maybe you are searching for an authentic and transforming faith and community to call home—if so, come in and join us as we seek to know and follow Christ.

Our Mission

Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.

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