Stoking the Fire 2025

June 6–8

Quaker Hill Conference Center, Richmond, IN

This annual retreat is for those afire with the Holy Spirit, who seek deeper faith and bolder witness. Through worship, learning, and fellowship, we will open ourselves to Christ’s presence, and allow the Spirit to work within us as we seek God’s power. We hope you'll consider joining us as we seek to stir up the embers of our faith—both as individuals and as Friends. This year's Stoking the Fire will be a hybrid event, with in-person and virtual options.

"But the blazing discovery which Quakers made, long ago, is rediscovered again and again by individuals, and sometimes by groups. The embers flare up, the light becomes glorious. There is no reason why it cannot break out again, today, with blazing power. The world needs it desperately. It is in the hope that you and I, today, may rediscover this flaming center of religion that those words are written—not in an historical interest in a charming past."
—Thomas Kelly, The Eternal Promise





For more information about Stoking the Fire, email michaels (at)

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"Our FUM mission statement says, in part, that we have committed ourselves to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit. I appreciate this yearly gathering of Friends so much because it reminds us that we are first and foremost a faith-based community—not just an organization with legacy projects and global activities—but a spiritual movement of Friends. To gather on Pentecost Sunday is to be reminded of who we really are in Christ, together."