FUM News

Videos Created for Global Impact Fund

FUM's Global Impact Fund allows FUM to send your donations directly to the place, the personnel, or the mission where it will do the most good. In these videos, FUM staff and project partners speak with FUM Board members about the work they do, and how donor contributions to the Global Impact Fund allow them to be flexible and responsive to changing circumstances.

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Reaching Out in Love and Generosity

FUM is working globally to raise funds to answer the immediate needs of vulnerable communities touched by FUM ministries that are experiencing the economic and physical impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. among us.

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For more news, click here.

FUM Journal

Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Twenty Two

GATHERED IN CHRIST - As One Who Abides Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5 NRSV)

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Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Eighteen

The Psalmist says that, “it’s good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. This attracts God’s blessing (Psalm 133). Our gathering together as FUM, QMI, and USFWI will touch God’s heart and cause as to have an open heaven with showers of blessing and at the end of the gathering each one of us will have a story of praise to the Lord.

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For more reflections, click here.

An Enduring Truth

Image of tea lights.

Throughout our history, the people known as Friends (or Quakers) keep rediscovering an essential and enduring truth: There is one who speaks to our most basic needs and most significant hopes—Christ Jesus the Lord. Both individually and communally, we are learning to know and follow the Voice that guides us in the way we should go. Together, we seek to understand and obey that truth which sets us free. As a people, we share in the experience of that powerful life which makes all things new. Maybe you are searching for an authentic and transforming faith and community to call home—if so, come in and join us as we seek to know and follow Christ.

Our Mission

Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.

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