The joint Triennial planning committee for 2026, composed of representatives from Western Yearly Meeting, Friends United Meeting, Quaker Men International, and United Society of Friends Women International have chosen a location and dates for the 2026 Triennial. The meeting will be held at Earlham College, in Richmond, Indiana. It will begin on Monday, July 6, and will end on Saturday, July 11.
Read MoreHaving been a photojournalist for most of my life, I usually make pictures to tell a story to others. But over the last couple of years, I’ve realized that some pictures aren’t necessarily meant to tell a story at all—I make them as a spiritual or emotional response to the world around me. The pictures might tell a story to another person, or they may never make it out of my camera. I make them because, before my eyes, something in me recognized and responded to God’s presence.
Read MoreA large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, “Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then they will say to the mountains,’Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!'”
Read MoreThroughout our history, the people known as Friends (or Quakers) keep rediscovering an essential and enduring truth: There is one who speaks to our most basic needs and most significant hopes—Christ Jesus the Lord. Both individually and communally, we are learning to know and follow the Voice that guides us in the way we should go. Together, we seek to understand and obey that truth which sets us free. As a people, we share in the experience of that powerful life which makes all things new. Maybe you are searching for an authentic and transforming faith and community to call home—if so, come in and join us as we seek to know and follow Christ.
Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.