On January 1, 2022, Friends United Meeting is grateful to welcome our newest staff member to serve as our Programme Coordinator in our Africa Ministries Office. Of course, Getry Agizah is not new to FUM. For many years she served as the coordinator for the Friends Church Peace Team. Following Kenya’s post-election violence in 2007, Getry participated in many types of peace work, including Alternatives to Violence, trauma healing and reconciliation, mediation, civic education, and the Nonviolence Movement for Social Change. She is a skilled communicator, mobilizer, and coordinator.
Read MoreThe Earlham School of Religion will establish a new hub to strengthen congregational leadership with support from a one million dollar grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. through Lilly’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. Friends United Meeting, Everence, Western Yearly Meeting, and Bethany Theological Seminary are among the organizations working with ESR on this major initiative.
Read MoreMark 4:10 – “When he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables”. Sometimes allows situations in our lives that would call for a time of solitude with Him. God may allow this by affliction, temptation, heartbreak, disappointment, sickness or by simply thwarting affection by a broken relationship by a loved one. When He gets us absolutely alone, and we are dumbfounded by the situation and we cannot even ask a question – then He begins to expound and make things clearer to our minds so that we can know Him better. When you look at the life of Jesus Christ with the disciples, it was the disciples who were perplexed by His deeds and not the crowds outside.
Read MoreGenesis 22:9 – 9 When they came to the place God had told him about, Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood on it. Next he tied up his son Isaac and placed him on the altar on top of the wood. The blunder many believers make I to think that, the last thing that God wants from them is the sacrifice of death, but when we carefully look at the passage above, we realize that God is interested on the sacrifice through death which enables us to do what Christ Jesus did.
Read MoreThroughout our history, the people known as Friends (or Quakers) keep rediscovering an essential and enduring truth: There is one who speaks to our most basic needs and most significant hopes—Christ Jesus the Lord. Both individually and communally, we are learning to know and follow the Voice that guides us in the way we should go. Together, we seek to understand and obey that truth which sets us free. As a people, we share in the experience of that powerful life which makes all things new. Maybe you are searching for an authentic and transforming faith and community to call home—if so, come in and join us as we seek to know and follow Christ.
Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.