All Were Satisfied

Today, I shared communion with eleven other Quakers.

Actually, the meal was mandazi and Chai tea, but the real Presence of Christ was experienced and celebrated in our midst.

The gathering focused on healing some serious divisions and particular conflicts that have confounded Friends in some parts of Kenya. I confess, some days I am so disheartened by Quakers. For a group that prides itself as peacemakers and in our ability to listen to God together, the reality within our community often reveals a different truth.

But today I once again witnessed some of the beauty of our lived faith. Friends came open, ready to listen to Christ and one another. There was a spirit of humility and truth telling. Mistakes were admitted, confession was offered, forgiveness was granted. Signs of real and lasting reconciliation emerged.

The meeting closed with a moving prayer by a Friend who called on Christ to help us in our weakness. He expressed the grief many of us feel for how these conflicts deny God’s intent for us, dim our witness, and drive people out of our fellowships. As the “amen” was stated, I sensed something more than our hands were joined. In fact, our hearts and minds were knit together.

Today, the Bread of Life and cup of New Wine were shared and all were satisfied.

-Colin Saxton

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