
Today, I visited the home of a Palestinian family living on Mt. Gerizim, above the city of Nablus. Two other guests were sharing about efforts to heal the political divisions within the Palestinian community. If Palestinians are to have any hope of survival, let alone the capacity to resolve the bitter dispute with Israelis, they must find a way to come together as one.

Part of the effort includes a social media campaign, public gatherings and a coordinated moment in time where every willing Palestinian stops what they are doing and shouts in unison, “ENOUGH!” for one minute. It will be a clear and united call to announce their people are finished with all of the infighting and selfish maneuvering. Just as important, it will serve as a public demand to those in power that it is now time to start pulling together rather than continuing to pull the community apart from each other.

Tonight, I am left wondering about the need for our own “ENOUGH! Campaign.” All of the toxic discourse, the name-calling, and the many ways we disregard each other dissipates our ability to do good in the world. It destroys whatever witness we could have with others about the genuineness of our life in Christ.

In the same way my Palestinian friends are first focusing on their own community–what if Quakers started among ourselves? What if we actually embodied our peace testimony within our own community, before insisting others live up to it?

Maybe we could then dare to reach out to our Christian sisters and brothers–inviting them to join us in saying ENOUGH! to the many, many ways we treat each other with disdain and speak of each other with derision. What kind of difference might be felt all around the world, if the people of who are called to love one another…actually did so? Maybe then our good news would be heard as actually good–and our invitation to join us in the Way of Christ received with hope and delight.

Of course, this feels like the work we are doing everyday. And at this moment, I cannot say what something more organized might look like–but I would be willing to explore it with others if there is interest.

Maybe hundreds, thousands or even millions of voices shouting ENOUGH! from places like Mt. Gerizim, the cornfields of Iowa, the beaches of California, the rolling hills of New York, an inlet in Cuba or the rugged terrain in Turkana will not change the world. But it might change us–just enough–to make a difference. God knows it is needed.


~Colin Saxton

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