Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Five

Abiding in Peaceful Habitations

“Then justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”

(Isaiah 32:16-18, NRSV)

   About a year ago my wife, daughter, and I visited the Muir Woods National Monument in Marin County just north of San Francisco. It’s a beautiful experience walking among the majestic Redwood trees. Even more powerful, though, is the invitation to silence and quiet. In order to provide a hospitable space for the wildlife, no dumpsters or garbage cans are found along the trails. Maintenance vehicles powered by electricity glide silently by and emergency vehicles do not idle their engines while resolving whatever problems brought them to the park. At one point along the trail, there is a sign posted along the trail as you enter the section called Cathedral Grove inviting visitors to be silent. It truly is a place of “...peaceful habitation”. 

     The prophet Isaiah dreams of a day when creation will experience peace, quietness, and trust that is the result of all things being made right and just in our world. To be sure, if often feels as if we have a long way to go. But the hope is that this dream exists and will someday be a reality. And we are invited to be co-creators of this dream.

     In the meantime, we seek to live from a place of  “...peaceful habitation” which can be experienced as we live in connection with the Living Christ. As we abide in that connection, our souls are replenished and our hearts renewed. As we abide in Christ, our dream of a peaceful and just world is nurtured and we discern how we can partner with God. As you and I seek to create a better world, let us seek out those places of peaceful habitation where we can connect with the Living Christ and restore to our souls the hope needed in our world.


1)  How do you and I nurture inward peace in our own lives so we can show up as peacemakers in our world?

2)  How often do you and I seek out “...quiet resting places” to reconnect with the Living Christ?

Action Step: Make time in your day simply be present in quietness. Find a spot in your home and somewhere in nature and allow it to be your “...peaceful habitation”.  Reconnect with God in those moments.

Prayer Focus: Loving and gracious God, we pray for those that feel unsettled and restless within. Guide them to places of “...peaceful habitation” and help them find replenishment for their souls.

Scott Wagoner

Posted by
Kelly Kellum