Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Four


Text: John 15:4-7 KJV

The word abide means ‘hanging in there’, ‘tarrying’, ‘dwelling’ or ‘continuing’

There are many benefits that we get in life as a result of abiding in Jesus. In this reflection I will share 3 benefits; Firstly, Fruitfulness: God’s desire is that our lives will be fruitful. Our fruitfulness depends on us remaining or continuing or dwelling in Christ Jesus. As a Christian I know and have experienced the fruitfulness of God in many areas of my life. When we are in Christ we are fruitful in relationships, business, ministry and even just in social life (V 5). abide in Him and in His word. There is no frustrating thing to pray without getting answers. Sometimes people do not get answers not because God has not answered, but because they are far away from him such that they do not hear when he speaks (V 7). Thirdly, New life: Paul also talks about abiding when he tells the Corinthians that if one is in Christ he is anew creation. Since I became a Christian, my perspective in life has totally changed. I see people not as enemies but as God’s creation which pushes me to exercise love. Those that are in Christ have left the old way of doing things (1 cor. 5:17).


- What hinders people from abiding in Christ?

Action step: I will abide in you Lord to bear fruits that will bless the world

Prayer focus: Lord Jesus, forgive me for always moving away from you. Help me from this day forward to dwell in your presence, to abide in your word so that my life will be renewed. Help me to hear your voice when you answer my prayer and help me to bear fruit that will remain. Amen

Florence Obande

Posted by
Kelly Kellum