Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Three

Job 24:13   There are those who rebel against the light, who are not acquainted with its ways, and do not abide in its paths.

This scripture comes from Job as he complains about the violence on the earth. Most, if not all, of us complain about the violence on the earth, too.  As we read Jesus’ words about being peacemakers, we Friends take them seriously. If we believe in the peace testimony, we seek ways to accomplish peace in all circumstances. To do that, we must abide with God to know how to handle situations where violence, in word or action, attacks the souls of its victims. Abiding with God calls for being in his constant presence, knowing the ways of Jesus, and having love be our primary motive. Some people indeed rebel against the ways of God. We need to invite them to consider life on God’s side.

No matter what role we play in the ministries of Friends United Meeting we have opportunities to do something about violence in the world.  One of my graduate level professors in my school principals’ training program often said, “If you don’t do it, you don’t believe it.” He was encouraging us to ask ourselves often if our walk matches our talk.  If it does, it’s likely that we abide with the Holy Spirit. We hold the teachings of Jesus in our hearts and minds. We choose to have God as our companion, going wherever we go, constantly trusting the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us and never, never leaving it. And, then we remember to graciously thank God for abiding with us so we can do things His way.

Queries for reflection: How does Friends United Meeting work for peace? How can we improve on those efforts?

Action step: Select at least one ministry of FUM that is related to peace making and send your financial support to keep it healthy.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, abide with me and nudge me when I stray so I always know your will and your ways of peace.  

by Sylvia Graves

Posted by
Kelly Kellum