Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Two

Matthew 18:19 (NIV)  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”

Obeying Jesus’ command to go and make disciples is a wonderful adventure in faith.  I experienced this while working in the mission hospital in Kaimosi, Kenya many years ago.  It began with God nudging me to go out into the villages and do small group studies.  He revealed the way when Meshack came to pray with me at the hospital.  God revealed to him that He was calling me to offer to lead Bible studies to follow his village evangelistic services.  New believers and believers who wanted to grow in their faith would have the opportunity to mature in their faith.  In a very unexpected way, I learned about the Theological Education by Extension programmed ten week studies that were available and opened the Scriptures up in very practical and understandable ways.  

It was amazing to discover that God was already preparing a team to work together—Meshack, the evangelist, Sammy, a capable Bible teacher, and Joseph who was led to follow with leadership training.  God was also preparing the hearts of people in the villages to desire to know God in a more intimate way.  Because of my working schedule it meant we had to meet at night but this did not prevent us from gathering.  Each participant studied their weekly lesson and shared what God had revealed to them.  Sometimes they felt led to share their faith with others or help others who needed assistance.  We spent time over many cups of tea praying for one another.  We saw lives transformed by the power of God’s love.  We saw answers to prayer.  We learned how to pray with faith.  We gained confidence in God’s working in and through us.  Churches saw the changes in those who were participating.  They gave them opportunity to provide leadership and share what God was teaching them.   It wasn’t long until we were going out to hold studies in five different places in a week.  

God taught me so many things about making disciples through this experience.

  1. Be available and listen for God to call you to walk along someone or groups of people to help them become more intimate with Him
  1. Put God’s calling above your plans even if it means a lot of extra time and work
  1. Watch to see how God brings things to your attention that you are to use in discipling others
  1. Respond to the things God is teaching you in the process of discipling another
  1. Encourage the ones you are discipling to step out by faith as God leads them and watch them grow in their faith
  1. Help new disciples learn how to disciple others.

Query for Reflection:  Do you recognize the importance of walking alongside those who are new or searching for an intimacy with God?  Are you in need of being discipled yourself?  If so, can you identify someone you could ask to disciple you?  Is God asking you to disciple someone?  

Action Step:  Obedience to God’s nudgings to disciple others is very important.  Will you take steps to obey God when He asks you to walk alongside those He brings to your attention as persons you are to disciple?  Ask God to show you someone He is asking you to disciple.  How will you begin?

Prayer Focus:  Ask God to give you a passion for people He puts in your life to mature in their faith.  Ask God to show you how you are to do this and trust God to prepare the way.  

     - Mary Glenn Hadley

Posted by
Kelly Kellum