A Big Year for Belize – Frequently Asked Questions

How much is all of this costing?

It’s a big project! Some of the major cost items are (in US dollars):

$173,753 for the purchase and closing costs on the new property on Central American Boulevard.

$21,389 to install exterior stairs and rooftop railings in order to convert the warehouse into a safe school building with multiple means of egress from each room.

$18,530 to cut openings in the concrete and install windows and doors with security grilles in the classrooms, offices, and multipurpose hall.

$13,555 spent so far on electrical work, plumbing repair, new bathrooms, roofing repair, painting, partitioning the classrooms, and other miscellaneous repairs/renovations (including removing a massive honeybee hive!).

Perhaps another $30,000 is yet to be spent in order to complete the renovation of the entire property. It’s hard to know exactly what we’ll find when we start work on the Director’s apartment!

Where is the money coming from?

So far, the money has come from the following sources:

$29,706 was already on hand in FUM, because we’ve been saving for several years in hopes that we would find the right building to buy.

$100,000 was raised in December and January through a matching grant issued by two anonymous families and generously matched by 22 donors.

$31,742 has been received so far from the sale of other properties owned by FUM in Belize (undeveloped land north of the city, and the former school building on Allenby Street). We still have one more parcel of land to sell, which should bring another $20,000.

Since the beginning of February, $33,156 has been donated toward renovation of the new building—by individuals, Meetings, and Yearly Meetings (not including the money that has started to come in for the Summer Mission Project).

$25,000 is our goal for the 2017 Summer Mission Project – “A Big Year for Belize.” Thanks for participating in the Big Goal and helping get our Big New Building in shape for God’s Big Plans for Belize Friends Ministries!

Can I come down to Belize to help?

We love this question! Yes, you may come down to Belize to help with the renovation and/or to volunteer in the school (and, once Oscar gets his feet under him, there will also be volunteer opportunities in the community). Dale Graves will be supervising renovation volunteers during the following dates: August 8 to September 5, from October 10 to November 20, and again January through March. Volunteers are housed in the new facility and can choose between bed-and-breakfast for $25/day or full board for $45/day. There are hot showers, laundry, and internet on site—and did we mention the roof deck with ocean views? If you’re interested in volunteering with the renovation, contact Eden Grace for more information. And even if you can’t go to Belize, you can follow the renovation progress on Dale’s blog: fuminbelize.org.

Do you need additional staff?

We’re still hiring for the position of Director of Belize Friends Ministries. This person will lead the staff team; oversee the building project; raise funds from individuals, churches, and grant-making organizations; and administer the expanding programs. It’s a role that’s crucial to the success of the big ministry plan. Click here to find out more about the position.

Could you be called to this work? Or do you know someone you could encourage to pray about it? Contact Eden Grace for more information.

June 28, 2017