African Project Partners Retreat

Kibera is the most densely populated urban slum in Africa. Some sources estimate that 1.2 million people live in this 2.5 square kilometer area of Nairobi.

A few weeks ago, I visited Lindi Friends School, located in the heart of Kibera. There is no easy way to get to the school. My hosts from Nairobi Yearly Meeting drove part- way, then set out on foot. They guided me through a labyrinth of narrow trash-littered alleyways, with an open sewer running down the middle. Upon arriving at the school, I was greeted by the sounds of 300 vibrant school children laughing and playing, and amazing teachers who were proud to show off their students and classrooms.

Lindi Friends school is a place of hope and contrast amid the impoverished urban sprawl. Standing on the upper level of the schoolhouse, overlooking the rusty tin roofs of slum dwellings, I was reminded that FUM exists to establish communities and safe places where the peace, joy, and love of Christ is known and experienced. This is happening in Kibera at the Lindi Friends School.

It is also happening through FUM’s other project partners in East Africa. Recently, I participated in a retreat at the home of Shawn and Katrina McConaughey. They invited FUM’s partner leaders to talk about their ministry goals and concerns:

• Francis Makete talked about the healing ministry of Lugulu Friends Hospital.

• Sammy Letoole gave thanks for the new churches being planted by the Samburu Friends Mission.

• Getry Agizah shared about the Friends Church Peace Teams’ work towards establishing sustainable peace in the Mt. Elgon region.

• Robert Wafula gave an exciting report about Friends Theological College’s six new satellite campuses to equip church leaders and pastors.

• John Moru talked about hopes of the Turkana Friends Mission to establish a mobile clinic to better serve the Turkanan people.

• Seth Kibisu shared that every student at Lindi School passed their national exams and how they have secured scholarships for 14 students to continue their education.

It was a blessing for me to hear how the mission of FUM is being lived out through our project partners. Please visit our website to learn more about some of these leaders and support their great ministries.

Grace and Peace,

Kelly Kellum

July 30, 2018