Belize Friends School Welcomes New Principal

Belize Friends School, with great enthusiasm, is pleased to announce the appointment of Antoliana Budna as our new principal. She comes to this position with a master’s degree in Leadership in Education, as well as the necessary bachelor’s and associate’s degrees in Primary Education. Antoliana Budna’s qualifications and life experiences align with Belize Friends School’s vision and values.

Throughout the interview process, Antoliana Budna demonstrated an understanding of leadership, the necessary qualities of a good leader, a deep commitment to education, and a strong alignment with Belize Friends School’s educational priorities. She believes that all students can learn, and that no student should be left behind.

We believe Antoliana Budna will bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas which will further the school’s reputation in the community and continue the long-standing commitment of Belize Friends School to the life, health, and wellbeing of its community. Her leadership will be instrumental in guiding our students towards success and fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Please join us as we extend a warm welcome to Antoliana Budna. We are excited about the future of Belize Friends School.

July 12, 2024