Belize Goal Met!

Oscar Mmbali will fly tomorrow!

We’re excited to announce that Oscar Mmbali’s pledge raising is complete! Thanks to donations from Friends across East Africa and North America, Oscar will be getting on his plane on August 1st to start his work in Belize City. We have been blessed and encouraged by the way that Friends have come together to support this new work to which FUM is being called.

For his first few weeks in Belize, Oscar has lots of plans. He’ll be attending a conference with Ms. Candi on non-traditional schooling and exploring Belize City, learning the culture and the community. He’ll also be meeting new students, learning Belizan Kriol (the language most commonly spoken in the Southside community), and getting to know people through playing soccer.

If you’d like to know more about his plans, click here to read his latest newsletter… and sign up to get it delivered straight to your inbox!

At our Triennial in Wichita, Oscar talked about all the people who had contributed to building up his faith, to equipping him for ministry, and to sending him to the field. He said that he was the work of many people and the work of Christ, and asked Friends to stand with him so that we could be the work of many people together. Thank you again, Friends, for your financial generosity, for your prayer support, and for your kindness and hospitality as Oscar has been traveling to share about his call to Belize. You have answered the call to stand with Oscar, as he goes to do Christ’s work in Belize City, and we are profoundly grateful.

July 29, 2017