“Bigger Than Us” Project at Worthington Friends Church

Churches in Jamaica often find that they cannot meet their operating needs without income beyond tithes and offerings from the congregation. Many churches use other fundraising options, such as hosting fish fries or chicken bar-be-ques or running pledge drives. Friends’ Meetings and Churches are not exempt from this need to explore creative means of fundraising.

Worthington Friends Church, in the capital city of Jamaica, has come up with a new plan. They hope to capitalize on their location in the heart of the financial and corporate center of Jamaica, New Kingston, by renovating some of their space to provide reasonably priced, quality accommodations to the Friends community as well as to the national and international business community.There has been talk for many years about a “refurbishing project” of their Annex – a one room board with four bunk beds and a bathroom. There have been dreams, plans, discussions, etc. Earlier this year, they decided to approach the idea again from a fresh perspective.The church is replacing the one room board Annex with two “mini-suites”. Each will have two twin beds and a private bath. In a later phase, a small kitchenette will be added to each. The church hopes to use income from renting the spaces to travelers to supplement their budget.

The project is being funded from a number of sources including Worthington’s members at home and abroad, friends and family, and from project funds from two short-term mission teams who also volunteer their labor towards the project. They have made great progress so far and phases one and two are nearly complete! Phase three is removing the board structure and completing the roof. Remaining phases will include plumbing, electrical, interior and exterior finishes and finally furnishings and equipment. Friends at Worthington would welcome any and all assistance, whether in cash or kind. Prayers for this “bigger than us” project are also appreciated. Any plumbers, carpenters or electricians interested in some work in Jamaica? Pastor David is sure that at least one day at the beach could be arranged for workers! For more information, please contact Pastor David Goode at goode.dave@gmail.com or by local US phone call to (330)283-9832.

July 2, 2017