Campaign Goal Exceeded: Over $3 Million Raised!

FUM’s first major campaign in nearly thirty years was a success! We set out to raise $3,000,000, and thanks to your generosity and your prayers, we’ve raised all of that and a little bit extra.

One of the images that emerged from our fundraising work was that of a Place at the Table for everyone. We imagined our global fellowship as a banqueting table with food and room enough to invite everyone to the feast— everyone contributing, everyone receiving, all of us growing together.

Colin Saxton shares a story about being at an FUM board meeting in Africa, where all board members were invited to participate in the campaign. He was touched by the response of the representative from Turkana, who said, “I absolutely want to be a part of this because FUM is my mother.” The representative then donated 1,000 Kenyan shillings: an enormous gift on his part which is approximately the equivalent of $10.00 USD. Colin said that the Friend from Turkana’s gift “demonstrated the spirit of sacrifice and investment in community.”

Friends from around the world, from Kitale to Kingston, from Havana to Greensboro, invested in the ongoing work of FUM through this campaign. Colin said that this is “a sign of moving to a place of global partnership— growing into our commitment to sharing the work together.”

October 2, 2017