Colin Saxton Visits Maryville Friends

Maryville Friends Meeting    

On  Friday evening of the 17th, Colin spoke with us, and a few visitors from  other meetings, about the various ministries of Friends United Ministries  throughout the world. We heard about the work in various places like Ramallah  and Belize City, providing education in extraordinarily challenging  environments. We heard about the incredibly successful work being done in  East Africa, and the shift in self-focus for the African Yearly Meetings from  “the mission field” to full partners with Friends in North America. In  general, the focus was on Friends United Meeting as a “global partnership”  where all the various Yearly Meetings and ministries were equally valued and  supportive of the global ministries.    

On  Saturday afternoon and evening, we met again focusing especially on Maryville  Monthly Meeting’s work and ministries and our particular needs and  opportunities. Colin discussed with us various ongoing tools to consider for  evaluation, offered some valuable perspectives on our potential as a small  meeting, and floated a possibility of a way to shift our focus entirely as a  meeting to possibly turn one of our weaknesses into a source of strength.    

Sunday afternoon/evening was Friendsville Quarterly Meeting, which we hosted.  Colin’s focus during the worship hour was on a new initiative by FUM called  the “Flourishing Friends Project” which is being spearheaded by the North  American Ministries group. We’re interested in learning more about this and  getting involved in it; the idea seems to be that FUM will partner with a  local congregation and provide some more dedicated and focused/tailored  assistance in strengthening/revitalizing a meeting that might feel less-able  or lacking resources.    

Overall, the weekend was quite successful, and we were very honored to have Colin  visit with us, and everyone else that was able to join us!    

-Jonathan  Goff  

Jonathan is the Pastor at Maryville Friends Meeting

February 19, 2017