Discipleship Classes at Katapokori Friends Church

Since 1970, Friends have been building community with the pastoralist Turkana people in northwestern Kenya. Nineteen Quaker churches meet for worship in the Turkana region under the care of the Turkana Friends Mission. The Director of the Mission is John Moru, the first Turkanan to hold this position.

At one of the Turkanan Friends churches, in Katapokori, members have been studying discipleship. The members of Katapokori Friends Church, located one full day’s walk from the nearest town, are all new Christians. Before Turkana Friends Mission began working in this area about ten years ago, the community had never heard the gospel.

Today, these Friends are equipped to share the good news with others in this sparsely-populated region of northern Kenya!

John Moru reports that 39 members of the church, both men and women, most of them under 30 years old, have completed a discipleship program and will be graduating on October 8, 2017. The curriculum consisted of teachings in Christian doctrine and spirituality; Quaker faith, practice and history; and methods of evangelism. As Quakerism spreads rapidly in Turkana, these young and energized members are ready to share with their neighbors and gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed, as Teacher and Lord.

October 5, 2017