Doing This Great Work Together

Dear Friends,

Your partnership in the work and witness of Friends United Meeting is making an important difference in the lives of many Quakers around the world and in the communities they serve.

• In Belize: an expanded school, array of new ministries and a church planting effort is making inroads into a needy community. Our recently acquired Belize City Friends Center gives us a stable base to work from and a great site for Friends to visit!

• In Ramallah: our new Field Staff, Adrian Moody, is just settling into his role alongside the dedicated staff and board of Ramallah Friends School. With a new strategic plan in place and with plans to add a Quaker Life Coordinator in the coming year, we look forward to a more clearly focused ministry within the school and in the surrounding community.

• In East Africa: peacemakers are at work in response to election turmoil in Kenya; church planters and evangelists are doing effective outreach in new places and among different countries; Friends Theological College is thriving—training record numbers of pastors and other leaders for a growing church; thousands of eager children are receiving education in Quaker schools; women and men are being inspired, empowered, and equipped for service and leadership; and the FUM African Ministries staff is tirelessly supporting and sustaining the heart of the Quaker movement in this 21st century.

• In North America and throughout the Caribbean: programs aimed at strengthening local Churches and Meetings are rebuilding vital fellowships. Especially in places where Yearly Meetings struggle to provide adequate support, FUM is collaborating through leadership training, stewardship education, Friendly resources and programming, and staff visitation.

• In print and digital communication: FUM keeps you updated on news, activities, and resources that energize, equip, and connect you for a growing life with God and others in this beloved fellowship. Connections, Quaker Life, the weekly e-newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and our website (undergoing expansion and re-design as I write) put you in touch with all that is happening today. Our soon-to-be released FUM Bookstore Catalogue gives you access to past and present writings aimed at helping you be faithful for the future.

There is so much more FUM is doing and seeks to do. None of it, however, is possible without you. Today—I ask you to make a gift to FUM so that we can continue to do this great work together—tomorrow and for many years to come. Your gift to the General Fund provides the support needed to make all of our global work possible. Please, make a generous gift today! 

With great gratitude,

Colin Saxton

FUM General Secretary

October 5, 2017