Find the Light! Show Us Your Photos

“In the tender compassion of our God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78–79

n this season of physical, liturgical, and (for many) spiritual darkness, where are you (yes, we mean YOU, dear reader) finding hope these days? Where are you finding joy, comfort, beauty, love, or hope? Help us all out—share some of those images with us. Whether your comfort is in the smile of a friend, the appearance of light in the darkness, the wonder of a child, your community gathered with one another—help us to see your Light.Post your pictures of Light to our FUM Facebook page, in the comments section below this post, and we will share them with other Friends, through our social media and through the enews, to remind us all that Light has come into the world and the darkness did not—will not—overcome it.

Hashtag: #FUMlight

December 5, 2024