Friends and the U.S. Election

Editor’s note: During this election season, when our political life in the United States seems especially contentious, Friends United Meeting has invited a variety of Friends to share their thoughts on how to navigate as a Quaker through these divided times. Our third installment is by Betsy Blake, of North Carolina Fellowship of Friends.

“For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” — 1 Timothy 4:8  [ESV]

Strange red loops began dotting my social media timeline. They were accompanied by miles, time lapsed, and a caption about fitness goals. Usually an upcoming marathon still months out.This coincided with political memes, fervently supporting a particular candidate and jokes in which the punchline was that anyone who didn’t agree was undoubtedly an idiot. Circular arguments with few compelling encouragements.And then the annoying red letters, “Bless your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”That sure flies in the face of easy quips and cutdowns. Especially when our fear is sparked about an abhorrent future and we feel betrayed by those whom we thought were friends. (Or even family.)

Yet, it is only with compassion that we succeed in running the race that the Living Christ has asked (arguably commanded) of us.Let’s be clear: This is unnatural.We are humans with nervous systems, work deadlines, and clamoring demands from people we actually like (for now). Who has time to lovingly engage with oppositional people?Being fit takes effort and discipline. We can’t expect to wake up and glide through twenty-six miles or a track with real obstacles and hurdles. We must practice!In the spiritual realm, this looks like spending time in scripture, praying, and if available, participating in communities who are prepared to run alongside you.

It can be a lonely space. You at dawn, pouring out your concerns to Jesus and maybe not seeing results right away.Yet, this must precede deeply meaningful engagement. And sadly, whenever possible, we are called to commune with all. Friends and political foes alike.The good news? You will experience God moving through you and others, drawing circles so much wider than you could create on your own. You will be given a listening heart, rightly ordered words, meaningful direction. These all are fruits of the Spirit after all.Love will unfold. The Kingdom-building will amaze you. And Spirit is watching.But you must show up. This is not a time for casual training. Not with stakes like these. Dig in and get to it. Even if you fail, there is grace. It takes practice.

Query: What are you doing to train spiritually for the election season?

Betsy Blake

Greensboro First Friends

September 23, 2024