Friends and the U.S. Election

Editor’s note: During this election season, when our political life in the United States seems especially contentious, Friends United Meeting has invited a variety of Friends to share their thoughts on how to navigate as a Quaker through these divided times. Our fifth installment is by Travis Etling, of New Association of Friends.To Be A Friend

    To be a true Friend of Jesus in this election cycle is to be mindful of the temptation that we all have to retreat into our comfortable and defensive rhetorical silos.  

    To be a Friend this election cycle is to spend time with those who see things differently and to really listen for the concerns, hopes, fears and wounds beneath the words.  

    To be a Friend in this election cycle is to commit to being mindful of the “four horsemen of polarization” that dwell within each of us:  stereotyping, ridiculing, dismissing and harboring contempt.  For a free online class on “depolarizing within” go to Braver Angels. (

    To be a Friend in this election cycle is to really honor Micah’s call to seek justice, love compassion and walk humbly with the Lord.  Holding together justice, compassion and intellectual humility reminds us that several things can be true at once.

    There is a lot at stake right now and at least half the country will be grieving on November 6th.  How can we honor and respond with deep compassion to both realities?  Whatever that is, that’s what it means to be a Friend in this election cycle.

~ Travis Etling
First Friends, Richmond, Indiana

September 23, 2024