Friends Break Ground on Loosuk Empowerment Centre

The community around Loosuk, Samburu, in central Kenya, lacks access to many basic goods and services. Local residents currently travel an hour or more by motorcycle-taxi in order to make a photocopy of an official document or buy a school uniform for their child. Yet, the area has a favorable climate and a growing population. Samburu Friends Mission has several churches, nursery schools and one primary school in the vicinity.

Now, with a groundbreaking ceremony held on 13 April 2018, Samburu Friends are constructing a commercial building that will serve three essential purposes: provide an income stream for the mission to reduce its dependence on overseas donors; offer much-needed goods and services in a convenient location; and create jobs to alleviate poverty in the community.

The funds for this project were donated by North Carolina Quaker Men several years ago, and this project has been in the planning stages for quite some time. Phase One will build a row of retail shops with a row of rental houses behind. There is ample land for additional development when funds are available for expansion. Praise God that this project is finally underway!

April 14, 2018