FUM General Board meets in Bungoma County, Kenya

The FUM General Board met on February 2-3, 2017 at the Mabanga Farmers Training  Institute near Bungoma in western Kenya. With over 75 Friends in attendance for the two-day meeting, the Board enjoyed deep worship, warm fellowship and engaging discernment on important matters of business. Highlights included:    

The student praise and worship team from Friends Theological College led the meeting in worship on Friday morning.

Groundwork  was laid toward reviving the position of Kenyan National Quaker Education  Coordinator, an FUM staff position that assists the yearly meetings with the 1,800+ Quaker schools in the country, but that had been suspended for lack of  funding two years ago.    

Oscar  Siema Mmbali shared his testimony and calling as a newly appointed FUM field  staff, being sent from Kenya to serve in Belize. East African Friends are  committed to raising a substantial portion of Oscar’s support.    

Initial plans were begun for the joint FUM-USFWI-QMI Triennial to be held in Kenya in 2020.    

Exciting reports were heard on church planting work in Tanzania and peace work in  relation to the upcoming Kenyan election.

February 3, 2017