FUM Prayer Community Information and Registration

For many years, Friends United Meeting invited local meetings and churches to be part of an annual “Chain of Prayer” at the beginning of each new year. A year ago, we let all of you know we were concluding this  program in order to rethink how to best deepen our connections with one  another and further immerse ourselves in the sustaining and powerful Presence  of Christ.

As we dreamed about something new, we recognized the great good that emerged from  the Chain of Prayer. Building on the strengths of that program, we want  to invite you to now join with other Friends around the world in the FUM  Prayer Community!  

The  new FUM Prayer Community is an interactive and intentional  commitment by local Meetings and Churches to connect with other Friends in  our global fellowship. We will be pairing local fellowships with one another  during a season of mutual prayer and community-building across our global  family, through which we hope to inspire a more authentic sense of being  united as Friends. As we share our stories, needs for present and hopes of  the future, we anticipate a greater spirit of partnering in prayer and  standing with one another through the challenges and opportunities we are  facing.    

You can  sign up to be paired with another Meeting/Church by using the form below.  After receiving your registration, we will be in contact with you to make  sure you have all the information and supplies you need. Thank you, as  always, for all of the prayer and encouragement you provide to Friends United Meeting!

December 1, 2016