FUM Searching for next General Secretary

The General Board of Friends United Meeting (FUM) has announced the opening of its search for the position of FUM General Secretary.

In accordance with the decision reached at the April 2017 FUM Board Meeting to enter into a year of transition as Colin Saxton ends his call as General Secretary and the Board searches for a new executive, the Board has released a series of documents describing both FUM and preferred qualifications for its next leader. Application deadline is November 30, 2017. The position will be filled by July 1, 2018.

“Friends United Meeting has grown in several ways in recent years. We have worked to strengthen our sense of community throughout the world; we have made progress in global partnership; we are placing renewed emphasis on evangelism; we maintain many programs that promote peace and justice; and we are developing programs to strengthen local meetings.

“The General Secretary is a key point person for the FUM family, providing inspiration and leadership for our work, and deeply involved in discerning priorities for the future.

“We trust the Lord will call the right person for this position, and we ask for everyone’s prayers. We also ask all friends to think of those persons who might be a great fit for FUM and to talk to potential candidates personally, or send suggested names to the search committee.”

More information about the position can be found here. Members of the Search Committee can be reached via search@friendsunitedmeeting.org.

Friends United Meeting (FUM) is a global fellowship of 34 Yearly Meetings (autonomous regional affiliations) and groups of the Religious Society of Friends located in Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United States. As part of the body of Christ we carry out faith-based work in East Africa, the Caribbean, North and Central America, and Palestine.

Search Committee Members:

Ron Bryan (Iowa Yearly Meeting)

Margaret Fraser (New Association of Friends)

Greg Hinshaw (Indiana Yearly Meeting)

Joy Kelemba (Nairobi Yearly Meeting)

Cliff Loesch (Great Plains Yearly Meeting)

Frederick Martin (New England Yearly Meeting)

Judy Ritter (North Carolina Yearly Meeting)

More information about the position can be found here.

September 4, 2017