FUM Triennial: Application Deadline Extended!

We’re preparing for our Triennial gathering in Wichita, Kansas, USA, and we hope that someone from your Meeting or Church (maybe even YOU!) will be planning to attend. We have a great line-up of speakers:

Miriam Khamadi Were, C. Wess Daniels, Jan Wood, and our own Colin Saxton! We’re working on some excellent workshops  – more about that later – and we’re cultivating Young Adult Friend  involvement through ourStewards program.    

May 31st was our initial deadline for regular-price  registration for Triennial, but in order to make our event more accessible, we’re moving that deadline up to June 15th! Now through June 15th, registration is only $210. You can read more about and register by heading over to our registration site.    

Hope to  see you in Wichita in July!

May 30, 2017