FUM Triennial Workshop Options

You will have an opportunity to sign-up for workshops during the onsite registration process. The locations for each of the workshops will be available at that time.    

Thursday—1:15pm  – 2:30pm    

A Necessary Good – Peace, Diplomacy and Development not War: After years of research and development, the U.S. government has new, non-military options to prevent violent conflict. But now these tools, structures, and resources face devastating cuts as the Trump administration solidifies its military-first foreign policy. The U.S. government needs tools outside of the military to address complex crises that the military should not and cannot solve. Presenter: Theo Sitther, FCNL’s Legislative Secretary for Peacebuilding Policy.  

Flourishing Pathways: Inviting Local Meetings into a Journey of Flourishing and Thriving:What does it look like for your local meeting to flourish? What does it mean to flourish? How can you keep from getting stuck in maintenance mode? This workshop will explore these questions as well as four pathways to flourishing that can be adapted to your local meeting. Presenter, Scott Wagoner, NCYM pastor and clerk of FUM North American Ministries Committee    

Maximizing Your Generosity: Farm commodities, antique cars, a cabin the mountains… What do these things have in common? They can all become wonderful gifts to your favorite charity. When individuals consider a gift to their favorite charity or local meeting/church they often only consider the cash they have available. Come to this seminar to learn about gifting of special assets, creative ways to remember your favorite charities in your estate plan, and gifts that can create an income stream. Join us to hear how Everence can help you maximize your generosity. Presenter: Mitch Stutzman, Everence Stewardship Consultant.

Living Letters:What does it mean to be “a letter from Christ …, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God” (2 Corinthians 3:3)? How does it change our behavior and attitudes when we think about inter–visitation, travel in the ministry, and short-term mission trips from this perspective? Presenters, EdenGrace—FUM Global Ministries Director and Lisa Scarpelli, FUM Global Ministries Assistant.

The Power of Enough: How can we balance our use of time, energy, and “things,” to free us for action to do God’s work and to contribute to right order in our world? Using queries, worship sharing and discussion we will listen and learn together. Presenter, Jacqueline Stillwell, General Secretary of RSWR.

Mentoring—Discovering that of God in Everyone:A commitment to energize and equip one another into a community where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord requires intentional relationships. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to God’s design for mentoring and practical ways to walk it out with others. Presenter, Adrian Halverstadt—Chancellor of Barclay College.

Quaker Lobbying: Powerful, Pragmatic, and Effective: Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) has been engaged in connecting the rich inner life of the spirit with the life of service and political change since 1943. These times call for Friends to bring faith in to practice and action. We will discuss the various methods and best practices Friends can use to build long-lasting relationships with congressional officials using various methods. FCNL has many tools and structures in place, just ready for your advocacy work! Presenter,Christine Ashley, Quaker Field Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Queries from Young People: Throughout the history of the Friends movement, Quakers have asked questions or queries. These questions have the purpose of probing into what it means to be Quaker, both from a corporate perspective, as well as a personal perspective. As the leadership for the Triennial Teen and Young Adult programs, we would like to explore some of our own queries, and allow them to create discussion about who Friends are as a movement, where we might like to go into the future, and what we may want to see accomplished in the world. We will discuss queries the young people offer. Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to join the Teens and Young Adults during these times.

Thursday—2:45pm  – 4:00pm    

Soul Care in an Age of Compassion Fatigue: Inspired by the life and ministry of the prophet Elijah, this workshop focuses on the importance of giving adequate attention to our own personal growth and development (self-care) as we are serving others in order to a void burnout and sustain effective ministry for the long haul. Presenter, Dave Williams, General Superintendent EFC-MAYM

Benefits with Quaker Values: Retirement and health plan options from Friends employers, meetings and churches: Friends employers have employee benefit programs available for employees, including staff and pastors that incorporate and subscribe to Quaker values. Learn more about these exciting Friends programs for your organization, church and meeting. Presenter: Bill Hartman, Everence Vice President of Organizational Services.  

I Could Be Wrong: Conflict Resolution, Eldering, and Decision-making Among Friends:Examining together some structural sources of conflict in meetings, roles and strategies for addressing it, and turning the ideas into exercises. Friends seem not to have overcome our historical proclivity for disagreement among ourselves. Can we deal with each other in a more Christ-like way if we share some of the sources of conflict and examine strategies to address it? Can understanding my role within the meeting make me more like a peace-maker? Let’s look at these and related issues together. Presenter, Bill Eagles (NCYM) and FUM General Board member.

Living Letters in Kenya: A visit to FriendsLuguluMission Hospital:FriendsLuguluMission Hospital in western Kenya has offered a ministry of medical treatment for over a century.Come hear about the 100-bed hospital’s work, including responses to changing local health care needs and challenges.Let’s exchange ideas about how we can help our Quaker brethren in Kenya to continue to provide compassionate and efficient Christian health care services. Presenters, Kevin and Candida Quinn—FUM Living Letters volunteers, members of North Pacific Yearly Meeting.

Right Sharing of World Resources:God calls us to the right sharing of world resources, from the burdens of materialism and poverty into the abundance of God’s love, to work for equity through partnership with our sisters and brothers throughout the world”.Learn about RSWR work in Kenya, Sierra Leone and southern India through slides and stories. Presenter, Jacqueline Stillwell, General Secretary RSWR.

Queries from Young People: Throughout the history of the Friends movement, Quakers have asked questions or queries. These questions have the purpose of probing into what it means to be Quaker, both from a corporate perspective, as well as a personal perspective. As the leadership for the Triennial Teen and Young Adult programs, we would like to explore some of our own queries, and allow them to create discussion about who Friends are as a movement, where we might like to go into the future, and what we may want to see accomplished in the world. We will discuss queries the young people offer. Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to join the Teens and Young Adults during these times.

Saturday—1:15pm  – 2:30pm    

Open Hearts, Open Hands: A Call to Stewardship:This workshop looks at  spiritual affections and the biblical call to generosity and stewardship. We will unpack the unique Quaker testimony of stewardship as it relates to our care of the environment as well as the investments of time, talents, energies, and financial resources.Presenters: Kelly Kellum and Mitch Stutzman, Everence Stewardship Consultants.    

Queries  from Young People:Throughout the history of the Friends movement,  Quakers have asked questions or queries. These questions have the purpose of  probing into what it means to be Quaker, both from a corporate perspective, as well as a personal perspective. As the leadership for the Triennial Teen  and Young Adult programs, we would like to explore some of our own queries, and allow them to create discussion about who Friends are as a movement,  where we might like to go into the future, and what we may want to see  accomplished in the world. We will discuss queries the young people offer.  Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to join the Teens and Young Adults  during these times.    

Loving One Other (Workshop continues in the 2:45pm – 4pm  time): In times as divisive as these, it may seem extremely  hard to live out this fundamental command of Jesus. Following it  faithfully demands a radical reordering of our lives, from the inside  out. It begs the questions “How am I to live my life in this  community?” and “How am I to live in the world?” In this workshop, we will  explore the challenge of keeping our hearts open when confronted  with the other—the parts of ourselves we would rather not acknowledge, or the aspects of others which might elicit fear, avoidance, distrust, and anger. We will look at how keeping our hearts open to the other allows us to better live out loving one another,  not theoretically, but in this very community. We will also  explore how this work is inextricably tied to the quality of our worship  together. Presenter, Christopher Sammond, NYYM General Secretary.    

Big Things in Belize:Come hear about the expansion of Friends ministries in  Belize. Presenters, Belize Team—Oscar Mmbali, Frank and Maggie Tench, Candi Young, Athina Major and Dale Graves.    

Water Matters! Why do Christians care about access to clean safe water for the world’s most vulnerable people? What can we do about it? What if we could  promote self-sustaining small business development as a solution to water  problems Presenters, Del and Suzanne Livingston, coordinators of  FUM’s biosand water filter project.    

Inside the Wall, or On theWall?: Making pictures for Newsletters and Websites: This workshop will give you some ideas for making successful pictures for your Meeting/Church.In particular, we will discuss how the place you want to use your pictures should guide you in the pictures that you make.Presenter, Dan Kasztelan, FUM Communications Director.    

Why Does Esther need an Education: Why do Friends focus on girl-child education among the nomadic people groups of Turkana and Samburu, in the deserts of  Kenya? What happens when a girl gets a chance to learn? What happens in her  life? What happens in the life of her community? Presenters, John Moru—Director Turkana Friends Mission and  Sammy Letoole—Director Samburu Friends Mission.        

Saturday—2:45pm  – 4:00pm    

A Shared Tomorrow: The Ways We Serve: Friends will learn about the history  and mission of Everence. Following the Stewardship Vine, this workshop  will trace the various ways Everence serves individuals and local  meetings/churches. The Vine illustrates how we integrate our faith and  finances by discovering God’s plan, living responsibly, preparing for the  future, and giving generously. In addition, we will highlight how local  advocates connect congregations with Everence’s resources and services. Presenters: Kelly Kellum and Mitch  Stutzman, Everence Stewardship Consultants.    

Shifting the Paradigm of Missions in the 21st Century: Building on the theme  of The Living Flame, this workshop will cover ways we can serve God’s people both locally and globally. Using the guiding principles of cultural humility, the presenters will offer specific ideas for those desiring a fresh approach to missions and community initiatives in this 21st Century. Presenters, Eloise Hockett, NWYM/George Fox University and John Muhanji, FUM Director African Ministries Office.    

Queries from Young People: Throughout the history of the Friends movement, Quakers have asked questions or queries. These questions have the purpose of  probing into what it means to be Quaker, both from a corporate perspective,  as well as a personal perspective. As the leadership for the Triennial Teen  and Young Adult programs, we would like to explore some of our own  queries, and allow them to create discussion about who Friends are as a  movement, where we might like to go into the future, and what we may want to  see accomplished in the world. We will discuss queries the young people  offer. Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to join the Teens and Young  Adults during these times.    

Preventing Election Related Violence in Kenya: Friends Church Peace Team was formed  in the violent aftermath of a contested national election in 2007. The next  national election, in 2013, was largely peaceful, and there is evidence that  Quaker peacemaking made a difference. Kenyans go to the polls again on August  8th, just a few weeks from now. Come hear how Friends are helping ensure the  election is peaceful and fair. Presenter, Getry Agizah,  

Coordinator Friends Church Peace Team: Yikes! God may be Calling me to Cross-Cultural Ministry: Now what?? Discerning and following a call to cross-cultural ministry can be a daunting and exhilarating process. Come to this interactive workshop, no matter where you  are on that journey. Presenter, Eden Grace, FUM Global Ministries Director.    

Loving  One Other II (Continuation from the 1:15pm – 2:30pm  time): In times as divisive as these, it may seem extremely  hard to live out this fundamental command of Jesus. Following it  faithfully demands a radical reordering of our lives, from the inside  out. It begs the questions “How am I to live my life in this  community?” and “How am I to live in the world?” In this workshop, we will  explore the challenge of keeping our hearts open when confronted  with the other—the parts of ourselves we would rather not acknowledge, or the aspects of others which might elicit fear, avoidance, distrust, and anger. We will look at how keeping our hearts open to the other allows us to better live out loving one another, not  theoretically, but in this very community. We will also explore how this work is inextricably tied to the quality of our worship  together. Presenter, Christopher Sammond, NYYM General Secretary.    

Introduction to Social Media: Confused by the changing social media landscape? This workshop will walk through the basics of establishing a social media presence for your Meeting or Church. Presenter, Julie Rudd, FUM E-commerce and Web Assistant.

June 28, 2017