Getry Agizah Speaks for Living Witness of Friends Series

In speaking at Wilmington Friends, Getry told the story of a day when she was traveling on a matatu and overheard a small group of men who were planning to go beat up their boss, because the working conditions in their factory were unbearable. She built up the courage to speak to them and ended up convincing them that they could negotiate better working conditions. She ended up going with them to talk to the boss. The boss agreed on many of their asks, and made concessions for the workers.

Getry also remembered David Zarembka, who found financial support for FCPT, and who passed away earlier this year due to Covid, as did his wife Gladys. His absence has left Getry with the full responsibility of the ministry. Friends United Meeting directly supports the work of Getry Agizah, FCPT coordinator, and is a partner in supporting the work of several other staff members.

At their recent September-October meeting, FUM’s General Board affirmed the General Secretary’s decision to hire Getry as a Programme Officer within the Africa Ministries Office.

Remember, if your Meeting or church needs a speaker, is hosting a conference, study group, or class, or if you would like someone from FUM to drop by your meeting for business to discuss an FUM ministry, FUM staff are happy to attend your virtual gathering. If you invite us, we will come. Contact Karla Jay,, to schedule an FUM speaker to visit your Meeting or church.