Growth and Change at Mt. Toby Friends Meeting

Please join us in celebrating growth at Mt Toby Friends Meeting in New England Yearly Meeting! Their March newsletter reports that due  to a recent increase in worship attendance, they’re holding concurrent  meetings for worship in two separate rooms because they cannot all fit in the  same space.

Mt Toby Friends Meeting is also excited to have received backing from NEYM for their Green Meetinghouse Project. They write, “One goal of the Climate Witness Committee is to  minimize fossil-fuel use at MtToby by replacing heating from oil by  heating from air-source heat pumps, themselves powered by solar energy.   

The Committee has obtained estimates for the heat pumps and solar  panels, has obtained a general go-ahead from the meeting for business, has  applied to New England Yearly Meeting for a grant, and is engaged in fundraising in Mount Toby to raise the approximately $80,000 for the initial capital outlay. The system is expected to pay itself off in 12 years or  so by substantial reductions on what we currently pay for oil and  electricity.”

March 2, 2017