Invitation from Jamaica Yearly Meeting

Jamaica Yearly Meeting invites all Friends to their 75th Anniversary Yearly Meeting    

Dear  Friends,  

I am  excited to be writing you on behalf of the Jamaica Yearly Meeting Planning  Committee to share with you the awesome plans we are making for our 75th  Yearly Meeting – Diamond Jubilee Celebration! Since it is our 75th Yearly  Meeting we are changing some things around and adding some very special  surprises. It is going to be spectacular!  

In order  to make our 75th Yearly Meeting a special time of celebration, we would like  to invite representatives from your yearly meeting to join us at the Swift  Purscell Conference Centre in Highgate, St. Mary, from August 19-21, 2016. We  are extending a special invitation to anyone who has had any previous  relationship with Jamaica Yearly Meeting, which could include pastoral  service, missionary service, serving on a short term mission team, etc.    The  highlight of our 75th Yearly Meeting will be our Diamond Jubilee Worship  Service on Sunday morning, August 21, at 10:00 AM, with Colin Saxton, FUM  General Secretary, as our special speaker.    

This  service will be held at Highgate Friends Church. You won’t want to miss it!    If you  are planning to attend, kindly inform us of your desire to be a part of our  celebration so we may make the necessary arrangements for lodging and meals.  If you are unable to attend or send a representative, we have a number of  activities that we are soliciting sponsors for, including a movie night with  snacks and popcorn, an ice cream social, and Young Friends activities. Please  let us know if you would be interested in sponsoring one of these events.    As more  details become available, we will share the exciting updates with you. Please  pray for the planning committee as we endeavour to plan and carry out this  very special celebration.    

In  Christ,    

David  Goode, Pastor    

Worthington  Friends Church    

Chair,  Yearly Meeting Planning Committee

May 8, 2016