Leadership transition at Ramallah Friends

With a great deal of joy, gratitude and excitement, Friends  United Meeting is pleased to announce a very significant transition for  Ramallah Friends School (RFS).    

Over the  last 12 years, Joyce Ajlouny has served with remarkable grace and expertise  as Director of RFS. As a former student, parent of three RFS students and  teacher at the school, Joyce stepped into the Director’s role both  understanding the current needs on campus and casting a vision for growth.  The international community of Friends and the Ramallah community have been  blessed by her strong leadership, innovation and clear calling during her  tenure. Alongside the staff and RFS board, Joyce has helped transform RFS  into a premier educational institution in Palestine and one rooted in the  values and spirituality of Friends.    

Over the last three years, Joyce has discussed with the FUM General Secretary an  eventual transition into a new position that would capitalize on her unique  gifts, background and further dreams for RFS. One of Joyce’s passions is to  grow a stronger endowment for student scholarships and for operational  expenses that will keep the cost of education affordable for Palestinian  families. With her strong track-record and success in raising funds and her  expertise in securing facility grants, alumni support and endowment funding, we are now prepared to free Joyce to focus more exclusively on building the  capacity for RFS.  

Thanks  to a very generous gift by US donors, FUM is pleased to announce that Joyce  Ajlouny will be transitioning out of the role of Director of RFS into a new  US-based position focused on Advancement and Alumni Relations. A search for a  new, Ramallah-based Head of School will commence immediately. A position  announcement and job description for this FUM field staff appointment is  being finalized and will be available soon. Joyce will continue to oversee  the operations of the school until the new Head of School is in place,  ideally before the end of the current academic year.    

During  her time as Director of the school, Joyce and her team have implemented a  variety of innovative changes and improvements throughout the campus and  curriculum. Highlights include:    

Raised  unprecedented capital campaign funds(total over $12 million) that  historically transformed both campuses including three new buildings  (Kindergarten and multipurpose hall at the Lower School, New Middle School  building in two stages at the Upper School campus), turf fields, technology  in all classrooms and wifi throughout campus, mechanical and electrical  upgrades, refurbished science labs and arts rooms, new sports fields and  water cisterns, landscaping, pathways and the creation of outdoor learning  spaces, as well as the installation of photo-voltaic solar panels (planned  for Fall 2016) to generate the power needs of the Upper School Campus.    

Initiated  and oversaw the design and implementation of a  multimillion-dollar commercial building(constructed on school  land), designed to generate much needed revenue for the school.    Oversaw  the development of theInternational Baccalaureate Diploma program,  authorization of the IB Middle Years Program (MYP), and candidacy of the IB  Primary Years Program (PYP) (authorization expected in 2018).    

Initiated  and oversaw the historic creation of a new academic division –the  Middle School— on the Upper School campus and ensured the design and  construction of a state-of-the-art “green” building with the help of an  international architectural firm specializing in schools. Building opened its  doors to students in August 2016 bringing 6th grade from the Lower School  with a new administrative structure in place.    

Promoted  and oversaw a multi-year enrollment expansion and class-size which dropped the number of students in the classroom  from 30 to 25/26 and added a section in each grade level. The number of  students grew from 982 in 2003-04 to 1,395 students in 2016-17 (42%  increase).    Raised  unprecedented funds from RFS alumni and attendees through events in  Dubai, Amman and the US and was successful in securing the largest individual  gifts in the school history.    

Wrote numerous successful grant  applications and secured unprecedented funding for the school’s  development program mainly from USAID/American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA), The United Nations, the Arab  Fund for Social and Economic Development, the German Development Bank (KFW),  among others. Created an online donation management system (ETapestry) to  better track school donations and communicate with supporters.    

Initiated  and supported two successful and ongoing summer programs: “I Know I Can Summer Academies” and “Go Palestine Summer Camp”, hired  their directors and oversaw their implementation; the former brings Teach for  America educators to Palestine who run a creative summer camp for all ages  and the latter brings together international youth with RFS students for a  3-week service and cultural immersion experience.    

Increased cash reserves from 0% (2004) to 78% (2016) of liability despite currency  fluctuations, economic recession and high inflation.    Restructured  and created a more robust organizational structure including a  Facilities Department (2011) and the positions of Dean of Academics (2015 –  currently vacant), Finance and Business Development (summer 2016),  Communications and Development (summer 2016), and Middle School Assistant  Principal (fall 2016).    Created  theCollege Counseling program, ensuring that RFS students enrolled  in the best universities globally.    AssertedQuaker  ethos through various programs including the development of Quaker Faith  and Practice and Quaker/RFS History Courses and a Problem Solving program for  the Lower School.    

Promoted a Friend-in-Residence program that  brought Quaker volunteers to serve at RFS. Most notably, worked with one  volunteer couple on archiving RFS history and finally publishing a book (Sumoud) that chronicles RFS history  through photographs and oral histories.    

Promoted  and supported the development of anInclusive Education Learning Support  Program moving the program from serving 10 students to 60 at present.  

Nurtured  and developed the exchange program with US Quaker Schools adding  two new schools.    

Represented  and promoted RFS with alumni and Friends communities globally with  at least 150 presentations made thus far.    

Clearly, Joyce has served and led the school exceedingly well. As she transitions to a  new role, We are grateful that she will continue to apply her gifts for  the benefit of the school and Palestinian community. We ask you to keep Joyce  in your prayers as she moves into this new season of ministry and pray for  the Friends United Meeting Global Ministries Department as a search for a new  Head of School begins.

September 27, 2016