Letter from Belize

Dear Friends,

Our time in Belize has come to an end. And all I can say is . . . thank you.

I spent five years as the director of Friends United Meeting’s ministries in Belize and another six months there as a chaplain. Through my family’s fundraising trips, our entry to Belize, the pandemic, the unexpected expansion of my family . . . through changes at school, the growth of the church, and the humanitarian efforts of our community center . . . through trips to the U.S.A. and your trips to Belize and changes in my job and ministry . . . through innumerable joys and concerns and the many forms our ministry took . . . you were always there for me and for all of us Friends in Belize. You empowered all of it. Thank you. As Oscar often says, “Thanks a million!”

As I leave Belize, the church is growing from week to week under the leadership of Oscar and Miriam Mmbali; the school has just graduated the biggest class in several years, as our dear principal Frank Tench bids us farewell; and the center is partnering with many other organizations with help from our own Athina Major! The Belize Friends community is transitioning in many ways and though transitions are never completely smooth, I am leaving so impressed by the vision and energy these leaders bring to our community. What more could I ask for?

Go here to read all of Nikki's final field staff newsletter.

July 12, 2024