Living Letters Trip to Palestine/Israel

Come  with us to Palestine/Israel! Jane and Max Carter have led two dozen trips to  Palestine-Israel since 1979, and are excited about the opportunity to lead  another trip this year. The original deadline for applications was March 1st,  but the deadline for applying to travel with our Living Letters trip has now  been extended to March 31st.    

Participants  will have the opportunity to visit and serve at the Ramallah Friends School.  Friends have been engaged in educational outreach in Ramallah since 1869,  when the area now known as the West Bank was under the control of the Ottoman  Empire. It was closed during the First World War, as control of the land  shifted from Ottoman to British hands, but reopened promptly in 1918. The  period between the wars was a time of change and growth for the school, which  was then followed by an influx of Palestinian refugees from Israel in 1948.    

Under  Jordanian rule from 1948 – 1967, the school adapted to the new political  situation and reached a total enrollment of 320 students. The situation under  Israeli occupation has been less stable, overall, but the school has  continued to provide education, security, and hope to the Palestinian  people.The RFS website offers a more detailed look at the history of the school.

Becoming  personally familiar with the courage and compassion of the RFS community is a powerful experience.
Ramallah is  also home to Ramallah Friends Meeting. Trip participants will have the opportunity to share in the  presence of Christ among Friends on the West Bank. Participants will also  visit historical and religious sites throughout the region, and serve  alongside Israelis and Palestinians working together for a just peace.

More  information about the trip, including estimated costs and the application  form, can be found here.

March 12, 2017