Love is a Headscarf

Not long ago, Hellen Mackenzie Lwabukha, Pastor of the YM-level USFW in Central Yearly Meeting (Kenya), had a vision of visiting and praying with home-bound Friends. She felt especially called to minister to home-bound women.    

Hellen  held this vision in her heart for two months before finally inviting other  Friends to season it with her. After her leading was confirmed by the  meeting, she began her visitation ministry.    

She asks  the local meetings to provide her with names of those who are home-bound due  to advanced age or illness, and she brings other Friends with her when she  goes to visit. They spend the visit in Bible reading, prayer, and singing.    

As part  of the visit, Hellen adorns the women with a new headscarf, the symbol of  unity among all Kenyan Quaker women.As this headscarf proclaims the unity of Kenyan Quaker women, may our love and our  prayers bring all the Quakers of Friends United Meeting into unity with one another. Please continue to hold Hellen’s ministry in prayer, that she will  be strengthened to bear the love of Christ – and abeautiful headscarf –  to those who need it most.

February 28, 2017