McConaugheys appointed to serve in East Africa

With gratitude for God’s provision, Friends United Meeting announces the appointment of Shawn and Katrina McConaughey to share the field staff position of Africa Ministries Programme Officer in the Kisumu, Kenya, office.

Shawn and Katrina are both life-long Friends from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. They have served together in pastoral ministry in Idaho and Oregon, and Shawn has just completed a term of service as Associate Superintendent for Global Outreach and Pastoral Care with Northwest Yearly Meeting.

Nearly thirty years ago, on a hilltop in Kaimosi, Kenya, Shawn and Katrina pledged their lives to each other and to serving God in ministry together. Now “we have come full circle and can hardly believe we are heading back to Kenya where we started!” (Read more of their story here: )

As Programme Officers, Katrina and Shawn will join the Africa Ministries staff team, headed by John Muhanji, Africa Ministries Director. They will be responsible for facilitating global and cross-cultural relationships, accompanying ministry partners in project implementation, lifting up African voices and experiences in FUM’s communications, and hosting mission visitors. When asked why the Kisumu-based staff team would benefit from having North American members, John Muhanji remarked:

“Ever since the Africa Ministries Office (AMO) was established, it has been working under the four priorities of Evangelism, Leadership Development, Communication, and Global Partnership. The presence of North Americans in the AMO is very key and strategic in reflecting the unity of Quakers, in demonstrating how we are one across the world, and helping the Quaker church in Africa feel connected to others through the priority of Global Partnership. I have had an opportunity to interact with Shawn and Katrina and have witnessed how deeply they are connected to the power of Jesus Christ. How I wish they were here from yesterday to stand with me as we plough in this region with overwhelming responsibilities.”

As field staff, the McConaugheys will be supported entirely by pledges and donations from Friends. Before they can take up their new ministry in Kenya, they need to secure pledges equal to a full three years of the cost of their service. We invite you to share this opportunity with your meeting, and to pray about whether you are called to partner with Katrina and Shawn as they walk faithfully on the path that God has laid before them.

To make a one-time or recurrent credit card transaction, go to, click on “Donate”, and select “Field Staff: Shawn & Katrina McConaughey” from the drop-down list. This will also enroll you in the McConaugheys prayer letter.

To indicate your pledge of support, without needing to give a credit card number at this time, or to enroll in their prayer letter without making a financial pledge at this time, go here.

October 1, 2017