Friends United Press is pleased to announce anew curriculum publication,Queries for Reflection: A Study Guide Companion to Unlacing the Heart. Henry Freeman and Colin Saxton offer this new study as a means to examine the barriers we’ve created around ourselves and encourage them to crumble.
“I believe in you.” Through the thread of those woven throughout his life, author Henry Freeman developed a capacity to be drawn to other people’s dreams. InUnlacing the Heart: Connecting With What Really Matters, Henry offers the reader stories about people who perceive the heart’s dreams, take hold of those dreams, and bring people together to realize the dream.
In theStudy Guide, co-authored with Colin Saxton, the authors use the form of Quaker queries to draw participants into reflection and discovery.
The Guide can be used individually or in community. If used as the basis for an adult study group, the curriculum offers the possibility for genuine spiritual encounters in which God and the participants can journey alongside each other, take hold of the God-given dreams in their hearts, and share in what God is doing in this world.
Unlacing the Heart will inspire you to develop a heart-based approach to life. The words will compel you to wonder about others’ stories—as well as whether and how you might be the person who brings belief and care to that person.
Friends United Press has created a study package which contains both the book and guide—Unlacing the Heart:Connecting With What Really Matters, andQueries for Reflection: A Study Guide Companion to Unlacing the Heart, for $17, a 25% savings over buying the two separately. They can also be ordered individually.
You can find these books on the front page of our Press shop here.
~Annie Glen