New Stoking the Fire Registration Date: May 31st

Good news: the deadline for registration for Stoking the Fire has been extended until May 31! Late registration fees won’t be charged until June 1.    

If you aren’t excited yet about this spiritual  experience, check out some of the information available on our Stoking the Fire website. Here are comments made by Friends who attended last year’s Stoking the Fire:    

This was my very first gathering sponsored by FUM. I was eager to meet the people and  get a sense of the community. I had/have the clear sense that this is, indeed, the Body of Christ and therefore I am woven and knitted into the core  of God’s Heart, which binds us all together. The generosity of spirit seemed  to me to be a clear sign of Christ’s presence among us. I was also very  encouraged by every story I heard about people’s involvement in their home  communities and Yearly Meetings. While that wasn’t central to our work  together, it happened among the edges, naturally, and it further convinced me  that this particular group of people is truly the leaven in the loaf. Praise God!    

There  was a commonality of seeking the Holy Spirit to dwell among us that weekend... I was made more mindful.    

I was tremendously blessed by the giftedness of a number of younger people whom God is clearly forming in ministry in really significant ways.    

The words that come to mind are intimate, mindful, centered, focused,  intentional, and grounded. It was a weekend filled with metaphors and visual images that helped us make meaning and remember our time together.    

We pray that this year’s Stoking the Fire will provide interested Friends with the same experience of joy and blessing. You can  register for Stoking the Fire here.

May 17, 2017