New York Yearly Meeting: Quaker Education and Discourse

Friends in New York Yearly Meeting are experimenting with a new form of sharing stories and ministries, called Quaker Education and Discourse. Here is how they describe the plan:

Each month in 2017, there will be one Saturday QuED event, each hosted by a monthly meeting in a different part of New York Yearly Meeting. The morning will include breakfast, worship, and several twenty-minute talks given by invited speakers. The afternoon will include lunch, very lightly structured conversation opportunities, and sometimes other things—workshops, spiritual direction, games, music, and so forth. The morning talks will be streamed live on Facebook live when wifi is available and recorded for later posting online.

Their most recent meeting, in July, was held at Adirondack Friends Meeting. The theme was telling stories about the experience of being called into ministry, and the three speakers were Shirley Way, Emily Provance, and Nancy Shippen. The speakers were all broadcast on Facebook Live, and the video of the conversation can be found on the QuED Facebook page.  

The next QuED event will be at Manhasset Friends Meeting on August 19th.

August 17, 2017