November 2017 Living Letters trip open for registration

Celebrate Cuba Yearly Meeting’s 117th anniversary – November  11-21, 2017    

Every year on the 14th of November, Cuba Yearly Meeting celebrates the arrival in  1900 of the first Friends missionaries to the island. Friends United Meeting  sends visiting groups, orLiving Letters, to join in the celebration and  to experience the life and witness of Cuban Quakerism. This one-week intervisitation trip is gentle enough for older Friends, and is focused on  sharing in worship and fellowship.    

Register here.    


Registration  Deadline: JUNE 14, 2017    

The  Total Cost for this trip is: $1850.    

This is  a small group trip. The minimum number of participants is 7 and the maximum  is 12. A  booking is considered confirmed when a non-refundable deposit of $200 has  been paid. If the trip fills up, we will maintain a wait-list in case of cancellations. Questions?  Contact Lisa Scarpelli at or call 765-962-7573.    

Cost Includes:    

* Round  trip flight from Miami to Holguin, Cuba    

* Baggage fees for Cuba flights    

* Hotel stay in Miami on either side of the trip    

* Meals, transportation and lodging in Cuba    

* All tips, gratuities and service fees    

* Travel Health insurance (as required by the Cuban government)    

* Visas,  licenses and exit tax    

Cost  does NOT Include:    

* Flights to Miami and home    

* Meals  in Miami    

* Souvenirs and personal items    

* Incidentals (i.e. worship offerings, sodas, etc.)    

NOTE:  costs may need to be adjusted if airfares or exchange rates change significantly. Ann Dodd-Collins writes about her experience of visiting Cuba Friends, “What just  overwhelms me about Cuban Friends is their sense of community, their care for  each other and for their neighborhoods. Cuban Friends work through their  churches to help their neighbors, sharing what they have even though they  themselves have little. I heard several church leaders say that their missions are grounded in worship, and because of that, they have  succeeded–with building water filtration systems at Gibara and Holguín that  serve the community, with creating the Cuban Quaker Peace Institute, with  regaining the deeds to Wilmington Colegio at Puerto Padre–against what some  would consider insurmountable odds.”  And the Lord said, “If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you  could say to this sycamore tree, ‘Be rooted up, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you.'”    Luke 17:6

April 9, 2019