Oscar Mmbali arrives in the United States

Tonight, Oscar Mmbali arrived in the United States! His safe journey and passage  through customs is an answer to Friends throughout our global fellowship who  have been praying for him.    

Oscar is a Kenyan Friend, a graduate of Friends Theological College, who has felt  called to minister in Belize for years. He has been traveling among East  African Friends, successfully raising financial and prayer support for his  ministry in Belize from African Friends who are excited to be sending one of  their powerful ministers out as a missionary. Now, he will be traveling among  North American Friends, sharing his vision for growing the Friends Church in Belize.    

This is a Big Year for Belize! We’re expanding our educational ministries  in Belize City, renovating a newly purchased building to house the Belize City Friends Center, and we’re sending Oscar to Belize City as the first FUM  Pastoral Minister there. We ask that Friends around the world continue to hold this work in prayer. If you would like to financially contribute, you can do so through our online store.

March 30, 2017