Oscar Mmbali’s online pledge campaign launched

Oscar Siema Mmbalihas been traveling among East African  Friends, raising support for the work he will be doing with Belize Friends  Ministries. Now, he’s in North America, spreading the news about our  expanding work in Belize City and raising support among North American  Friends.    

As an FUM ministry field staff, Oscar depends on  donations from individual Friends and Meetings/Churches for 100% of his  support— housing, food, living allowance, medical care, travel, ministry  expenses, etc. He needs faithful monthly commitments of prayer and finances  from many Friends. Even a small amount, given every month, can make a big  difference. To make a one-time gift or a pledge of continuing support,  click here. You can sign  up to receive Oscar’s newsletter at the same place.    

For more  information, contact Eden Grace at the FUM Richmond office +1  765-962-7573 or edeng@fum.org. Donations are tax-deductible.    

Thank  you, Friends, for your continued faithfulness in both prayer and financial  support! Your contributions are making a difference on the Southside of  Belize City.

April 27, 2017