Ramallah Friends School Amid Growing Challenges

As the world’s attention remains focused on the unfolding crises in Gaza and southern Lebanon, the resilience and struggles of those living in the West Bank—particularly in Ramallah—remain alarmingly under-reported. Among those profoundly affected by these ongoing tensions are the families, staff, and students of Ramallah Friends School, who daily navigate the uncertainties and fears of this war.

The RFS community faces a series of challenges as part of their daily lives. Ongoing incursions by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Ramallah, the presenting threat of settler violence, and the economic pressures stemming from rising inflation collectively create an atmosphere of stress and instability. Near the gates of our school, a military convoy hit a car belonging to one of our teachers, but fortunately he and his children survived. Additionally, the marketplace neighboring the school was burned. Many families in Palestine, including members of the RFS community, are choosing to relocate—which is causing additional financial stress to the school which will result in a budgetary shortfall this year.

In the face of such adversity, RFS has taken active steps to ensure that its community can cope. Recently, the school organized training in Alternatives to Violence, a program dedicated to fostering non-violent conflict resolution and equipping participants with tools to manage interpersonal relationships constructively. Moreover, RFS has renewed its commitment to weekly chapel services, recognizing the importance of spaces for reflection and silence.

RFS is doing great work providing a sense of normalcy and care for our students and their families. While the headlines may focus on the immediate crises in the region, it is vital to recognize the ongoing struggles and resilience of the community we serve.

Please continue to hold the RFS community in prayer.

Please consider supporting the Financial Aid programs of RFS.

In Peace,Kelly Kellum

Photo by Jaafar Ashtiyeh / AFP / Getty

September 29, 2024