Remembering Eden Grace in Turkana

The FUM global community is grieving the passing of Eden Grace. Her legacy continues to make a transformative difference in lives and places where she served. This is especially true in Turkana. She was instrumental in starting the Girl Child Education program, supporting the training of pastors, assisting in the development of the board, and raising funds for the mission.  Eden was always proud of her Turkanan name, Mama Ekile, meaning “mother to the healthy boy.”

On 11 July, the Turkana Friends Mission will host their Jubilee Celebration, celebrating 50 years of ministry. Friends who want to honor Eden’s service in Turkana are invited to give to Friends United Meeting in support of Turkana Friends Mission.

Eden’s colleague, John Muhanji, writes:

“Turkana Friends Mission is doing an incredible job in promoting the gospel of Christ in such a poor environment, planting churches, and providing basic education and meals for children. The mission struggles with multiple challenges ranging from a harsh climate to extreme poverty, but this has not discouraged the mission from spreading the gospel of Christ.

“Turkana Friends Mission has 31 local churches spread among the pastoralist communities in the vast Turkana desert area of northern Kenya. The Mission has four primary schools, which have been turned over to the government for management and teacher posting. It has over 25 ECD (Early Childhood Development) schools in local churches, and each preschool has a feeding program. It promotes adult literacy education to those people who never saw the door of a classroom. Many of these people are becoming good ambassadors of the Quaker church in the communities and preachers of the good news. It also supports Girl Child Education. Many girls have since benefited, and many of them are teaching or assisting in ECD classes in their local churches. They also have some buildings that were built 40 years ago, which remain centers for food distribution and evangelism. The renovations for these houses are needed, which will provide extra income to the mission.

“Despite the hardship in Turkana, the mission has found it worthy of extending its mission to South Sudan. With the little they get; they are sharing to reach the unreached communities for Christ. I find this inspiring and cannot think of a better way for you to honor my sister, Eden Grace, than to give your support for the Turkana Friends Mission.”

John Muhanji

Friends in Kenya can contribute by MPESA. Select "Pay Bill" 514608 Account: "Your Name" & Turkana Friends Mission

Friends can also mail a check to
Friends United Meeting
101 Quaker Hill Drive Richmond, IN 47374
Memo: Turkana Friends Mission

Credit Card donations can be made online at

June 20, 2023