Report from Ezra Kigondu

Background: Politics in Kenya is based on tribe. In the Kikuyu areas around Mt. Kenya, the Kikuyu  candidate will receive more than 95% of the vote. In the Luo areas next to  Lake Victoria, the Luo candidate will receive 95% of the vote. The election is  then determined by high voter registration and turnout and who can make  alliances with the leaders of the other major tribes. Three of Kenyan’s four  presidents have been Kikuyu – Jomo Kenyatta, the first president; Mwai  Kibaki; and now Uhuru Kenyatta, Jomo’s son. Uhuru Kenyatta is competing for his second and last five year term under the banner of the Jubilee Party.  Jomo Kenyatta’s main opponent and for a short time Kenya’s vice-president was  Oginga Odinga, a Luo. His son, Raila Odinga, supported Mwai Kibaki in 2002,  barely officially lost to him in 2007under the CORD party banner and, after  the post-election violence, was given the temporary post of Prime Minister, and he then officially lost to Uhuru Kenyatta in 2013. This report by Ezra  Kigondu relates a killing of a Kikuyu by a Luo over politics in a place  called Mautuma which is less than 10 miles from my house. This deadly  incident indicates how emotional the election is and how tribalism is the  root of the problem. It is a dangerous indicator of possible political  violence for the August 8, 2017 election. Note in the reciting of the story  how the local government officials were confident enough in Ezra and his team  to call them in to mediate the dispute. This is at least the third major deadly  conflict TCSC/FCPT has handled in this community, Ezra’s home community. Dave  Z.    

January  10, 2017 was a sad day for the people of Mautuma. John Muiruri had gone to  repair his generator in Makutano area of Mautuma. As the generator was being  repaired John, a Kikuyu, engaged in a discussion with the generator  repairman, Mr. Oloo, about how the trend of politics was fairing on. John,  who was a Jubilee supporter, was trying to show others how Jubilee will win  the 2017 elections. Little did he realize that he was offending the generator  repairman who was a Luo and a CORD supporter. After a bitter exchange of  words, John said that Jubilee was prepared to win the elections at any cost.  At this point Oloo attacked John with a blunt metal bar and hit him on the  head, saying, “These people [that is, Kikuyu] need to be eliminated or  otherwise they will rule us forever.” John was immediately rushed to a nearby  dispensary but he succumbed to his death on the way to the dispensary.    When  word spread that John had died from a political and election-related  argument, his kinsmen quickly planned revenge by trying to attack the  generator repairman who went into hiding when he received information of the  death. Then John’s relatives did the unexpected by burning the business  premise of Mr. Oloo. Immediately the police arrived to prevent further  burnings.    

John’s body was taken to a nearby morgue awaiting burial. At  this point the local administrators were alerted and they called us at  Transforming Communities for Social Change/Friends Church Peace Teams to try  to help negotiate a peacefully funeral for John. But John’s kinsmen had vowed  that they would seek justice using violence as they had no trust in the  police in handling the case. We did a  round of listening sessions with both the victim’s and perpetrator’s  families. We wanted to understand their needs so that we could develop a  possible intervention mechanism. We all agreed that the situation was still  tense and the community needed to bury John. We requested security for the  funeral as we still continued with peace talks. John’s body was brought home  on January 14, 2017 for burial, but angry mourners who had come for the  burial refused it to take place until justice was found.    

We had two camps at the burial, the CORD side and the  Jubilee side. As the burial service was still proceeding a quarrel arose  between the two camps causing the whole process to stop. Several people were  injured during the mayhem and they were rushed to the hospital. The police who were at the  scene were overwhelmed and they had to call for reinforcements which  eventually came. The angry mob had planted a banana plant at the grave as a  sign of “no justice, no burial.” The body was taken back to the morgue  awaiting an end to the conflict so that the burial could take place.    

This caused a lot of political tension in the region which might again erupt  during the upcoming campaign period. Thanks to Transforming Communities for  Social Change volunteers [those who had been formerly trained in AVP, HROC,  and other peacebuilding programs] who immediately after that violent and ugly  scene came to help in resolving the conflict. We organized a transformative  community dialogue in which both sides came and agreed to peacefully bury the  body. John was properly laid to rest on February 2, 2017. May his soul rest in eternal peace.    

We have  been having separate meetings with both families even though the situation is  still tense. We are organizing follow-up meetings using our trained HROC  facilitators to deal with the trauma and tenseness. We are also conducting  civic education seminars in the community so that people can ensure a  peaceful election.  

 Peace is  everything without which everything is nothing.    

-Ezra  Kigondu    FCPT  Help Increase The Peace Coordinator    TCSC  Program Coordinator

March 8, 2017