Stoking the Fire 2017: Claiming Spiritual Power for Transformative Action Workshop Schedule

We are offering a range of workshops on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 3 to 5 PM. We hope these will provide opportunities for us to reflect on past experience, learn and practice new skills, and prayerfully seek new avenues of transformation in Christ. Please note that some sessions are one-day only, while others offer a session on both days.    

Two-day sessions:    

Spirit-based Community as Foundation for Prophetic Ministry with Dorlan Bales (two sessions meant to build on each other): What is a prophetic call? What sort of support is required to respond faithfully to such a call? How did prophets stoke the fire in Israel, in the early church, and since then? Was the first Quaker generation prophetic, and if so, how? What prophets in modern times do we admire, and why? Are you prepared to respond to a prophetic calling? Could that response mean finding or helping create a supportive community?    

Dorlan Bales (Heartland Friends, Great Plains YM) is a graduate of Earlham School of Religion and the Univ. of Chicago Divinity School, served meetings as a pastor in four Yearly Meetings, was part of the Friends of Jesus Community, worked for Sunflower Community Action, and is team leader for FCNL’s new Wichita Advocacy Team.   

Discernment for Spirit-Led Action with Patricia Thomas (two sessions meant to build on each other, but that can be taken separately): In the first, we will explore the assumptions which underlie the gift of discernment, a foundation of our corporate Quaker faith and practice, as we share Scriptural and personal experience. The second, entitled “A Quaker Twist: What Canst Thou Say?” will delve into leadings and the role of clearness committees. Journaling and meditation will be part of both sessions. Please bring a Bible, pen and paper.  

Patricia Thomas (Campus Meeting, Wilmington YM) is a life-long Friend from the unprogrammed tradition, and a graduate of Earlham School of Religion. The use of clearness committees and the reality of ‘leadings and being led’ are dear to her heart.        

Monday afternoon, 3 – 5 PM:    

Being Grounded in Spiritual Practice with Kathryn Damiano: This session will present an integrative and holistic approach to the many calls and demands of our lives, emphasizing self-care and care of others. 

Dr.Kathryn Damiano (Heartland Friends, Great Plains YM) is a founder, with Fran Taber and Sandra Cronk, of the “On Being a Spiritual Nurturer” program; she is also an ecumenical spiritual director with a variety of faith traditions, grounded and working out of Friends’ spiritual practices.

The Third Way—Nonviolent Resistance and Civil Disobedience with Leslie Manning:Drawing from the teachings of Jesus and the writings of Dr. King, Walter Wink and Jean Zaru of Ramallah Friends Meeting, this workshop will involve reading, reflection and writing on selected prompts from these leaders.    

Leslie Manning (Durham Friends, New England YM) is an activist and advocate, the legislative coordinator for Friends Committee on Maine Public Policy, and the former president of the Maine Council of Churches.        

Tuesday  afternoon, 3 – 5 PM:    

Quaker Social Change Ministry—Reclaiming Spirit-Guided Social Change with Lucy Duncan: Are you wanting to enliven your faith with work to transform the world? Are you interested in reclaiming spiritual practice in your work for justice? This workshop will introduce Quaker social change ministry and lead participants through a process to consider how to center the voices and experiences of people of color or those most impacted by injustice in our work for just peace. This will be an interactive exercise which invites participants to reconsider how to bring mystics and activists together to work for social justice while practicing the spiritual discipline of accompaniment. To read more in advance, see    

Lucy Duncan (Green Street Meeting, Philadelphia YM), has served the American Friends Service Committee as Director of Friends Relations since 2011.        

Music as a Grounding for Action with Kathy Luethje& Leslie  Manning: The tradition of the song circle helps us to recognize that voice from God in everyone. Kathy and Leslie have chosen some songs for all to sing together that have been an inspiration for various social justice  movements. Stringed instrument players are welcome to bring instruments and jam—and we hope everyone will join us in song!    

Kathy Luethje (Bloomingdale  Friends, Western YM) is a graduate of Earlham School of Religion currently serving as a pastor, and formerly as a hospital chaplain. Kathy has been part of song circles and choral clubs in many places, is an avid collector of songs, writes musical plays, and is interested in music for healing. Leslie Manning (Durham Friends, New England YM) is an activist and advocate, the legislative coordinator for Friends Committee on Maine Public Policy, and the former president of the Maine Council of Churches.

June 23, 2017