The Belize Friends School is on the move!

Though the alterations on the new Belize Friends Center aren’t completed yet, staff and students at the Belize Friends School moved books, desks, and other equipment from the old school to their new quarters today.    

Eden Grace shared on Facebook, “I’ve been looking forward to this milestone since the day I became Global Ministries Director! My feet are sore, my back aches, my hands reek of all-purpose cleaner… and my grin is as wide as the sea I can see out the window.”    

They’ll also work on the move tomorrow, and then the students will be on Spring/Easter break for several weeks, leaving the Friends School staff to bring order to the chaos in the interval. Tomorrow, staff and students will worship together on the roof of the new building.    

Windows are still being cut into the first and second stories of the building, and roof work is scheduled for the next few days.   Check out more photos of today’s work on our Facebook page!

April 6, 2017