Tickets Bought—Nikki Holland Begins Service in Belize

We did it!!

We are so happy to announce that Nikki Holland and her family are going to Belize on time, because of the incredible generosity of so many of you! Over the last few weeks and months, you have responded to the clear evidence of God’s anointing in Nikki’s life, and together we have met the fundraising goal that will allow her to begin her ministry in Belize on schedule.

As you probably know, today was the deadline we had set, and even this morning, we weren’t sure where that final amount would come from. And then this afternoon we got a call from Western Yearly Meeting stating that they would commit to making up any difference. Hallelujah!

If you are still hoping to pledge, but haven’t done so yet, don’t worry, we will still receive your gift with gratitude for your faithfulness and generosity. We know of some meetings that will be considering partnering with Nikki at their next business meeting, and so have not yet been able to give us their pledge. Others of you haven’t had a chance to discuss your level of support with your family. In several cases, we are pretty sure that a meeting has been collecting money, or is planning to, but specific information about the amount hasn’t reached us yet. I want to encourage you, in each of these cases, to continue with your plans to support Nikki. In declaring that we’ve reached 100%, we don’t want to convey the message that we don’t need you! It is always the case the some families will be unable to fulfill their pledge due to a change in life circumstances, so we will welcome additional supporters. Also, we had to do some trimming of the budget in order to meet our goal on time, so if we have enough support, there are some important items we could add back in.

Most of all, Friends, I want to testify that God is good and faithful. Sometimes we think we’re facing the impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible. God called Nikki, and God purposed to provide for Nikki’s support. We, as God’s people, heard that call and were willing to put our treasure into the service of God’s mission. That’s how this is supposed to work, and it does work! I’m rejoicing tonight, and I invite you to join me in giving all the glory to God.