World Water Day: Why Should Christians Care About Water

International World Water Day is celebrated annually on March  22 as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and  advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. an  opportunity to learn more about water related issues, be inspired to tell  others and take action to make a difference. Friends United Meeting has been concerned with access to clean water for a  number of years.  Through Friendly Water for  the World, our implementation partner, we work  with communities in East Africa who have difficulty obtaining clean water.    

Friendly  Water for the World teaches communities how to meet their need for clean  water and sanitation through the use of biosand filters, rainwater catchment  areas, water pump repair, spring and wellhead protection, and raising  awareness about best practices in sanitation.    

There  are a number of different techniques for making water safe to drink. Why has  FUM concentrated on the biosand water filter?   A  biosand filter doesn’t use any chemicals, such as chlorine, that are  potentially-harmful to humans and accumulate in the waste-water catchment.  

Biosand filters are made in the local community, using mostly local  environmentally-sustainable materials (concrete, sand and gravel). They’re  not fabricated from plastic and they’re not shipped half way around the  world. Biosand  filters reduce the rate of deforestation by eliminating the need for firewood  or charcoal to boil water for drinking. Local  people can earn a good living by making, selling, installing and servicing  biosand filters. The success of their small business depends upon improving  the health of the community. A  biosand filter will work forever, with no moving parts, nothing to replace or  repair, nothing to add, no additional expense to the user. When a  family isn’t spending money on making or buying drinking water, they can  spend it on other essential needs, like nutrition, healthcare and education.    

Most importantly, biosand water filters work! The US  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the filter  eliminates 99.98% of protozoa, 85-95% of viruses and 90-99% of bacteria in  the water, and diarrheal disease incidence is cut in half in the community. 

Why do Christians care about water?  Whether  it’s the cleansing water of John’s baptism in the Jordan, or the prophetic  water of righteousness in Amos’ vision, or the salvific water of liberation  in ​the parting of the Red Sea, or the living water in Jesus’ self-revelation at the well, or the justice-laden water flowing through the new heaven and  new earth, water is a symbol of life. A symbol of God’s Life. A symbol  of the Life God intends for all creation.  Maybe  it’s as simple as the fact that our bodies are 60% water and that water  covers 71% of the surface of our planet and that it is the one thing we  absolutely can’t live without.    

Maybe there’s something in the fact that, wherever Friends go with the saving  message of Jesus Christ, the first priority of new Christians is access to  safe water. If water represents abundant life in its most profound sense,  then unsafe and unjust water represents the death wrought by oppression,  poverty and ecosystem destruction. Whatever  the reason, water is powerful. It’s a powerful physical element. It’s a  powerful spiritual metaphor. The  World Health Organization estimated in 2000 that one out of every six people  on the planet lacked access to a reliable source of clean water. Every minute  of every day, a child dies of a water-related disease. Water is a gift from  God and a basic human right and it is under threat in our world today.    

Christians care about water because God cares about water, because water really is Life.  

 —Eden Grace

April 9, 2019